0709... teaching him..

This is what they are trying to teach to Anton,. really portuguese common words. It's just the start, but: Anton, dont believe them!!!;)


070920 Varldskulturmuseet_Fair Fashion

Announced: The exhibiton opens at 7.00 pm with a fashion show, held on the stairs of the museum.
The result: (see videos..where is the fashion show??)

How do the clothes you wear impact the world? How can you combine your shopping habits with the concept of sustainable development?


070919 Gothenburg city welcome evening

Laleh's concert

070918 alguem consegue explicar?

Anúncio de uma rádio da cidade.. quase uma "Cidade FM", sempre com as mesmas músicas...
os gestos, a freira, etc., até se aceitam.. mas o que tem o chocolate a ver no meio disso tudo?;)

070917 Gårdsten (study visit) + Angered centrum

Angered centrum _ suburban area of Gothenburg!

sustainability and... sustainability.. and more sustainability!;)

The Gårdsten project
In the housing area of Gårdsten, the public housing company Gårdstensbostäder has renovated the residential buildings with a focus on energy efficiency, the integration of renewable energy, sustainable/bioclimatic design and improved quality of life. The renovation was planned and performed in close co-operation with the tenants.

(holandeses sabem coser...)

070914 Swedish sittning

(aguardam-se fotos...)

Finalmente, as fotos (copyright Nuno Soares)


070912 study visit to Ekocentrum and..students living room...

nem me atrevo quantas horas estive no sofá..a ler, a dormir... a ler, a dormir... basta dizer que saí de lá às 20h00m...:)

any comment?;)

070910 lectures and something more...

almost sleeping on the couch!;)

ah..can you do tricot at the classes?

070908 just walking around_shops

football match : Portugal!!!!!;) ok, num computador, é o que se arranja!;) Ah, e com comentários em chinês!

drunk men sleeping on the stairs at the main avenue!;)

070907 swedish dinner!!!


After dinner... two partys in two different student residences!

even the drunk guy that André met on the tram, is able to speak in English and he had already been at Portugal...:)

"eu tenho dois amores,tarantantan... q nada são iguais...taratantan"

e assim eles se agaram pra dançar música pimba... adivinhem quem saltou logo para o meio da sala...:)


070905 FIRE ALARM!!!;)

One day more...
When having classes with a "dead, blind and deaf teacher, but that is alive, that sees with the new 3months eyes and he ears", the FIRE ALARM started to sound. Everyone went out, of course!;)

070904 Attending classes (that I dont need)...in a class room that looks like a disco!

sorry..I know they have bad quality, but...

070903 "TUGA" barbecue at Ostkupans' terrace!

A single photo that means too much: the main student's room... Do I need to say something?

The FIRST "tuga" barbecue at our residence ( + Edouard, the french guy)... Main cooker: IVO... is everyone ok? Sorry!

e, mesmo que com alguns dias de atraso, os vídeos do churrasco (by Nuno)